The Gender Gazette

Dress for Success of Greater Orlando
by Anna V. Eskamani


"Without a job, how can I afford a suit? And without a suit, how can I get a job?” This is a common dilemma that many low-income women face when preparing to reenter the workforce. It is also a problem that lawmakers of welfare policy often ignore - but with the help of Dress for Success (DFS) of Greater Orlando, this problem is being solved.

DFS of Greater Orlando was established in 2001 with the mission: “to promote the economic independence of disadvantaged women by providing professional attire, a network of support, and the career development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.” On a daily basis, DFS gives disadvantaged women of all ages, shapes, and colors the tools they need to become a success.  And by getting involved, you can be a part of this incredible movement!

Being a DFS activist is equally fun and rewarding. There are several ways to get involved, including volunteering your time to be a Personal Shopper.  As a Personal Shopper you would work one-on-one with a DFS client, guiding her through the boutique, finding clothes that she’ll feel confident in, all the while filling her with the confidence she needs to seize a job.  Despite the diversity of the clientele, all women who leave DFS are united by the same purpose - to have economic independence and stability.  For certain, making this motivation become a reality would be impossible without Personal Shoppers.

Another way to get involved is through YES! - Young Executives for Success.  YES! is a DFS volunteer group that focuses on raising awareness and funds for DFS.  YES! consists of a community of like-minded women who all want to create change in their community. It is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for you to get involved in both consciousnesses raising and networking.

If you want to get involved, but don’t have the time, consider donating your gently-used business-appropriate clothes to DFS.  All donations are welcome and are of course, tax deductible!  Visit DFS’s website for more donation information.

All DFS volunteers are women who love helping other women.  Every suit at the DFS boutique symbolizes our ability to succeed.  To learn more about how you can be an activist for change, please visit Dress for Success