The Gender Gazette

Justine Griffin
News Editor, Contributing Writer


Justine Griffin is a senior at UCF, where she is studying Journalism with a minor in Humanities.  Currently in her last semester, she will be moving to St. Augustine to start working as a staff reporter for the St. Augustine Record after graduation.  Justine has a passion for women's studies because she believes that all women should have the opportunity to do whatever it is they love, without considering the limits placed on them by social stigmas and other societal factors.  As a young professional, she thinks it's important to have a hand in third wave feminism to promote other women's passions - no one should be afraid to pursue a life path or a career because of their gender, let alone anything else. Third wave feminism is about playing a supportive role to the women around you - we must continue to help each other in own individual fights, as well as come together to strengthen our own as a group.