The Gender Gazette

Why You Should Love Your Period
by Anna V. Eskamani

For the last six years I have been “cursed” with the PERIOD. I am not referring to the bloating or cramps - the curse takes shape in spending hundreds of dollars in tampons and pads in order to mask my menstruation. Since my period began, society has trained me to be self-conscious about my period—ashamed even! The real question is, why should WE be embarrassed about our periods? Why must we whisper about our cramps, about our bloatings, about our need for that emergency tampon?

Well ladies - the personal is political, and this is extremely personal!  I refuse to sit idly by while society pressures us to screen are feminine secretions. Of course, this pressure not only affects women; it affects young girls as well. Not only are many young girls embarrassed to talk about their first period, but they are indeed frustrated when their periods don’t come!  While some young girls wait anxiously, others fake their periods, all in an effort to “fit in.”  I personally feel that these emotions are not natural - in my opinion they are socially constructed, leaving us stuck in the middle to make sense of it all.

What pisses me off the most is the stereotype that periods are “gross.” This is without a doubt a result of the pad and tampon companies, who call their products “sanitary napkins” (as if a period is a bio-hazard!) and use words such as “discreet” and “protection” in their campaign ads.  Not to mention that their products can only be used *once* and hence they have a monopoly over our bodily functions, making us always come back for more, cash in hand; with no other option.

It is time for us to reclaim our periods! I refuse to tolerate society’s control over my period and body.  I am tired of the squeamish looks from most men and the sympathetic looks from some women when they hear the word period.  We should be loving our periods; proud of our periods!  I admit, the cramps and bloating that accompany most periods are not the most favorable circumstances, but menstruation is a natural process that symbolizes a healthy body.  Loving our periods equates to loving our bodies.

Don’t forget, periods can be fun too—just think of all the accessories! Not only does (a great site!) make reusable pads and liners, but there are numerous websites show you how to make pads yourself!  (Check out And if you prefer tampons, why not try using a menstruation cup?  Diva Cup, Mooncup, and The Keeper are a few of your many options. These cups are made of soft plastic, are easy to remove and reuse, and will last for years! They are amazing product, and my personal favorites. :)

For me, these are the type of products that empower my period. Now I not only have control over my period, but I have choice to love it.

Love your period; tell your girlfriends to love their periods; spread the word and change the world.

Make your next period a loving period.